Saturday, June 27, 2009

Senator Beck plans press conference and rally across from NWS Earle main gate (Rt. 34), July 1, 1230p

NOPE received a press release last night from Layli Whyte, the Communications Director for New Jersey's 12th Legislative District team:


"Dear Friend:

The 12th District Legislators will host a press conference and rally across the street from the main gate at Naval Weapon Station Earle on Wednesday, July 1st at 12:30 p.m.

Senator Jennifer Beck, Assemblyman Declan O’Scanlon and Assemblywoman Caroline Casagrande will be unveiling a piece of legislation that would require a cost benefit analysis, a security analysis and a school impact study to be conducted by the State before any permits by State agencies, such as the Department of Environmental Protection or the Department of Transportation, could even be processed.

We encourage anyone who believes that the impact on the safety, security and schools of the towns surrounding Earle will be negatively impacted by the privatization of 300 housing units within the property of the base to come to the rally and voice their opposition to the plan.


Jennifer Beck Declan O’Scanlon Caroline Casagrande
Senator, District 12 Assemblyman, District 12 Assemblywoman, District 12"


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure, however, I thought that the property across the street from the main gate is also military property. After all, there are gates on the opposite side of the road.

Bill Holobowski said...

I believe as well that it is military property, though I suspect the District 12 offices looked into this in advance. Best to call their office if you have any questions: 732-933-1591

Anonymous said...

I worked ther in the eighties noway the navy knows this is happening on there base

Bill Holobowski said...

Then, as you know, no one will be on the base; I suspect they'll set up on Rt. 34, which is a state highway, not federal property. Again, please call Beck's office to find out.